Christian Michelsen förstärker Järla

Den kanadensiske landslagsmannen Christian Michelsen kommer från 1 juli att representera Järla Orientering. Christian som är 25 år har sedan ett halvår tillbaka varit en flitig gäst på våra träningar och kommer nu även tävla för Järla.
Han har närmast representerat Växjö OK.
Christian sedan i vintras i Hammarbyhöjden.
Under 2023 sprang Christian medeldistans och stafett på VM i Schweiz och har även sprungit JVM 2016-2019.

”My big individual goal is to run WOC (VM) in Finland next year and qualify for the Middle distance final. I really enjoy relays as well, so I try to run well in them throughout the year and especially Tiomila and Jukola.

My dad is actually Danish and I was born in Denmark, but I moved to Canada before I can remember anything. So that side of my family all lives in Denmark and also a few live in Skåne.

The main reason I moved to Sweden is to orienteer so I ended up choosing to study Mathematics in Växjö. Then my girlfriend and I ended up finding jobs in Stockholm, and that brings us to now.

Vi välkomna Christian till Järla!


  1. Matt Michael D’Agati serves as the founder of Renewables Worldwide, a alternative energy Firm in Massachusetts.

    A handful of time period ago, venturing into an adventurous journey, Matt D’Agati ventured into the realm of solar, to in a short duration commenced efficiently promoting megawatts of power, predominately within the commercial sector, partnering with developers of solar farms and local businesses in the ”architecture” of specific campaigns.

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